by Zachary Apperson
I’ve lost the beating in my chest
That which drives the rest
Forcing my body and mind
No matter the disarray
To do its bidding
If nothing else, than to accomplish life’s most basic necessities
Superfluous or not
The beating has left and gone
Having bore a hole straight through
Slipping out the back
Leaving a chasm between my shoulder blades
I do not fear death
But I fear I’ve lost my passion
In that, I’m terrified to live
A life devoid
As my own drive has escaped me

Zach is from Tustin, California, and currently attends NYU. He is 22 years old and about to finish his undergraduate degree. Zach works as an ABA therapist who derives his writing from the people and places around him. He takes pride in making the mundane captivating. He hopes you enjoy it.
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