by Judith Sornberger
for Jamer
The most comforting sound
he remembers from childhood
was me tapping out poems
in the room next to the one
he shared with his brother,
a lullaby of rhythmic clicking,
one more bedtime story
delivering him to his dreams.
The story of his secretary mom
and lawyer father didn’t have
a happy ending, but he swears
he never knew that we were poor,
remembers filling suppers,
clean and mended jeans for school,
and a Michael Jackson birthday party.
I’d bought the cornflower blue,
self-correcting Smith Corona
with a tax refund, and after
I’d spent the day answering phones
and typing memos, after washing
dinner dishes and tucking in my boys,
I sat before the typewriter that
transformed fear and worry into words,
magically erasing each small error.

Judith Sornberger is the author of four full-length poetry collections: Angel Chimes: Poems of Advent and Christmas (forthcoming from Shanti Arts, 2020), I Call to You from Time (Wipf & Stock, 2019), Practicing the World (CavanKerry, 2018), and Open Heart (Calyx Books)—and five chapbooks. Her prose memoir The Accidental Pilgrim: Finding God and His Mother in Tuscany is from Shanti Arts. She is professor emerita of Mansfield University, where she taught English and Women’s Studies.
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Beautiful. I love these lines
lullaby of rhythmic clicking,
one more bedtime story
delivering him to his dreams.
Beautiful, Judith.