Accepting Submissions: Penny Fiction 2019

Haunted Waters Press seeks exceptionally small works of flash fiction to be showcased in Penny Fiction, a regular feature of the literary journal, From the Depths. Stories will also appear in the Penny Fiction Poster Collection. Tell us a story in exactly 19 words—no more, no less. Extra points will be awarded for those writers who adhere to the guidelines. Not really. There are no points. Just read the guidelines below and impress Penny with your ability to follow instructions.

We seek flash fiction stories told in exactly 19 words—no more, no less.
Original fiction only. No poetry, taglines, or jokes.
Please include a title for each story submitted.
One active Penny Fiction submission per author, per reading period.
Multiple stories per submission encouraged.
One is fine. Four is cool. Twenty is borderline obnoxious...we like obnoxious!
No previously published works.
Need inspiration? Follow Penny Fiction on Facebook for tips and prompts.

Include one interesting fact about yourself in 13 words or less.
Undertakers and cat herders earn extra points.
If we do not find you interesting, we reserve the right to make you appear more interesting.
No long lists of previously published works. No cut ‘n paste author bios.
Confused? Check out The Lovely Penny bios from any past issue.

$3.00 per published piece.
(That’s a professional rate of .15 cents per word— enough for a hot cup of coffee to sip on while you pen your next brilliant work of incredibly short fiction!)

Free to submit.
Accepting submissions in the months of December/January, March/April, June/July
Limited to 200 submissions per month. Submit early!
Notifications to be sent as decisions are made or within 60 days of closing.
Please review full guidelines prior to submitting,

Thank you. We look forward to reading your work.


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  1. Where do I find samples of what has been published = 19 words? Thank you

  2. Author

    Hello! Thank you for your interest in Penny Fiction and Haunted Waters Press. Penny Fiction is a regular feature of our literary journal From the Depths. Collections are also published in the Penny Fiction Poster Collection. All issues and collections can be found here. Please let us know if you have additional questions. Enjoy your day!

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